The Venus Bushfires

/ Live / Song Queen: A Pidgin Opera Royal Albert Hall

Song Queen: A Pidgin Opera Royal Albert Hall

Music & Words: Helen Epega

Executive Producer: Baba Jallah-Epega, EMCA

Song Queen Royal Albert Hall

Title: Song Queen: A Pidgin Opera at Royal Albert Hall

Date: 29th May 2024

Time: 9.00pm

Venue: Royal Albert Hall, Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AP.

Tickets: £25

About the show

This groundbreaking opera, composed and written by Helen Epega, and first staged in 2015, transports audiences to a world where music has the power to inspire, heal and unite at a time when the world seems so divided.

Join the herione Kenate on a musical journey of love, hope, peace, betrayal and redemption.

Already having been performed in London, Lagos, Turin, Bodrum and Cape Town to rave reviews, this newly revamped show is a blend of the rich African tradition of storytelling, harnessing Nigerian Pidgin English, Patois, Creole, Cockney, hip hop vernacular and multicultural London slang, with western classical music presented through an afro-futuristic lens.